#188「収穫 祝いと再生」“Harvest celebration and regeneration”
Ambient Voice Scape #188 Improvisation
収穫 祝いと再生
夏の終わりが過去となり、深い秋を迎え入れる時期。 一年の変化を全て抱擁した秋の実り
その収穫をみんなで祝う世界中の農村の賑わい 黄金に輝く麦畑を眺めながら、新しい自分が生まれてくる季節、そのいざないに身を任せる
IMD, JP Harvest celebration and regeneration Time of season to welcome autumn.
Harvesting Crop that has grown in all changes of this year, People are getting together and celebrating harvests all around the world. And the autumn breeze in the scenery of golden wheat fields invites the new me to rise. Written by IMD, JP #自由な心の自由な時空 #ambient #improvisation #mindfulness #nativeflute #duduk #relaxation #nasa #staella 楯直己・Naoki Tate - Ambient Voice Scape https://www.facebook.com/TateNaoki
Naoki Tate Web Site www.naokitate.com