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#200「宇宙と私の原」“The source of the Universe and me”

Ambient Voice Scape #200 Improvisation


風よ、どのような旅をして私を訪ねる 光よ 何年経て私に届く、 音よ どのくらい私が耳を傾けるのを待ったか?


遠くからみれば静かで、近くからみれば激しい無数の風景 宇宙の一部であり、過去と未来の一部である

私達の生命は、 総宇宙の一部の現実に専念できるよう、無限な振動から解放されている。 その特権は宇宙と私達との パートナシップを生み続けてくれている。 これからは宇宙の音を素直に聴くというところに、私達と宇宙の幸せが待っている。 そう考えると、僕はなんかワクワクしてくる。                                 Written by IMD, JP The source of the Univers and me Origin of the Universe and me O winds, how many miles did you travel to reach me? Light, how many years did you shine to touch me? And Sounds, how long have you waited for me to listen? On the Inside and outside of our skin, the life of the Universe is a change of matters on multiple layers of reality. A myriad of quiet becomes a crescendo as we approach a closer view. As a part of the Whole and part of the future and past, the limitations of our senses protect us from the endless.

The ability to focus on a limited characterizes our partnership and the Universe. And when I ask my heart to listen to the Universe just purely, I pray with joy to absorb everything carefully and slowly, not to miss happiness for all. Written by IMD, JP Solar System Montage - High Resolution 2001 Version NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems

Jupiter Showcases Auroras, Hazes NASA, ESA, Jupiter ERS Team; image processing by Ricardo Hueso (UPV/EHU) and Judy Schmidt Three Views of Europa NASA/JPL-Caltech

Gullies in Sirenum Terra, Mars NASA/JPL/Univ. of Arizona A Closer Hubble Encounter With Mars - Elysium Steve Lee University of Colorado, Jim Bell Cornell University, Mike Wolff Space Science Institute, and NASA Mars in True Color almost NASA/JPL/Arizona State University/Cornell University/Don Davis Mars Odyssey View of Morning Clouds in Canyon NASA/JPL-Caltech/Arizona State University Sand Dunes and Ripples in Proctor Crater, Mars NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

Earth and Moon as viewed from Mars NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems Earth NASA Earth observation Photographer: Reid Wiseman Earth Observation2 Photographer: Alex Gerst Earth Observation4

Photographer: Reid Wiseman Earth Observation6 Photographer: Reid Wiseman #自由な心の自由な時空 #ambient #improvisation #mindfulness #nativeflute #duduk #relaxation #jwst#nasa

楯直己・Naoki Tate - Ambient Voice Scape Naoki Tate Web Site ☆☆☆☆☆ The Album "Sakura/Masa Takumi,"I participated in, is nominated for the 65th Grammy®︎ Awards for Best Global Music Album !!!! 参加アルバム 第65回(2023年度) グラミー賞 最優秀グローバルミュージックアルバムにノミネート !!!!


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