#202 ”永遠の戯れ~Etenral Play of life”
Ambient Voice Scape #202 Improvisation
”永遠の戯れ~Etenral Play of life ”
ライナー・M・リルケ ある男が言葉を放った。 ”Hey People, come on! " Muramasa Kudo
廻り廻る生命の 消えない瞬間が輝く美しさ
それは心の中で躍り続ける時間と出会う 戯れる時間は永遠に続いている Written by IMD, JP Eternal Play of life Existence as manifestation with profound reasons and beauty called forth a genuinely religious attitude Albert Einstein The poet wrote
"You don't have to understand life. Happiness comes to us in the days when life meets and plays." Reiner M. Rilke A man spoke. " Hey, People, come on!" Muramasa Kudo Touching the Playful times of life is playful forever forever Written by IMD, JP Credits: Molecular Cloud Chameleon I
NASA, ESA, CSA, and M. Zamani (ESA/Webb); Science: F. Sun (Steward Observatory), Z. Smith (Open University), and the Ice Age ERS Team. Webb Inspects NGC 346 (Annotated) NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, A Pagan (STScI) A Spiral Amongst Thousands ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Martel 楯直己・Naoki Tate - Ambient Voice Scape https://www.facebook.com/TateNaoki Naoki Tate Web Site
www.naokitate.com ☆☆☆☆☆ The Album "Sakura/Masa Takumi,"I participated in, is nominated for the 65th Grammy®︎ Awards for Best Global Music Album !!!! 参加アルバム 第65回(2023年度) グラミー賞 最優秀グローバルミュージックアルバムにノミネート !!!! https://biglink.to/sakura